In 2010, Big Tech companies spent $16 million on Federal lobbying. In 2021, that number exploded to $69 million. Here’s why Silicon Valley is now pouring a record amount of money into Washington D.C.
Ep. #54 – Why Tolerance Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Does
Politicians often use terms like “Diversity,” “Tolerance”, and “Equity” to push for a specific political agenda. But what do these words actually mean? Here’s why terms like Diversity, Tolerance, and Equity, no longer mean what you think they do.
Ep. #53 – Why Housing Is So Expensive In Austin, TX
Housing prices in most major American cities have gone through the roof. But why is it that the housing crisis appears to be worse in some of the most progressive parts of the country? Here’s why.
Ep. #52 – Why Cutting Taxes Can Actually Raise Revenues
It’s commonly believed that raising taxes will raise government revenues. But in reality, cutting taxes can often bring in even more money than raising them. Here’s why.
Ep. #51 – Why The Soviet Union Destroyed The Aral Sea
The fate of the Aral Sea is one of the greatest cautionary tales about the failures of central planning. The Soviet government thought it could transform Central Asia into an agricultural oasis. Instead, they turned much of the region into one of the world’s largest deserts.
Ep. #50 – Why Thomas Sowell Outrages The Left
Thomas Sowell is one of the greatest economists in the world. Here’s why that’s a problem for so many people.
Ep. #49 – Why Politicians Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste
No matter what the crisis is, governments always have a solution: more government. Here’s why that’s a problem.
Ep. #48 – Why Mississippi Is (Nearly 2X) Richer Than Shanghai
Did you know that despite being the poorest state in America, Mississippi’s GDP per capita is nearly twice as much as China’s richest city (Shanghai)? Here’s why.
Ep. #47 – Why The Federal Government Loves Wasting Your Money
Did you know the Federal Government recently wasted over $800,000 studying the effects of cocaine on birds? Here’s why.
Ep. #46 – Why Corporations Are Begging For More Regulations
Some of the largest corporations in America are now openly lobbying Congress to raise the minimum wage and increase the Federal Corporate Tax. Here’s why.